Twitter has announced that it will soon display the verification dates for accounts, a move that has been met with enthusiasm by supporters of the social media platform's owner, Elon Musk. Musk, who purchased Twitter in late 2022, has been praised for introducing a Blue checkmark verification for Twitter Blue users for $8 per month, a decision that has been seen as a bold attempt to monetize the verification process.
Twitter has long used different colored checkmarks to differentiate between personal accounts, business accounts, and government-affiliated accounts. The gold checkmark is reserved for business accounts, while gray checkmarks are used for government-affiliated accounts on both personal and organizational levels.
Musk's decision to introduce the Blue checkmark has been seen as a sign of his commitment to enhancing transparency and promoting trust among users on the platform. Critics have dismissed the move as a cynical money grab, but supporters have praised it as a bold attempt to improve the user experience on Twitter.
The new code changes were first spotted on Twitter, though they have not yet been rolled out to all users. Twitter is currently working to fix some bugs before the new feature is made available to everyone.
Despite concerns raised by some experts about the potential for abuse of the verification system, Twitter has stated that it will closely monitor the use of verification badges and take action against any users who attempt to use them fraudulently.
Overall, the move to display verification dates is a positive development for users of the platform. By providing more information about the verification process and making it easier for users to identify verified accounts, Twitter is enhancing transparency and bolstering trust. With further improvements to the platform expected in the near future, it is clear that Twitter, under Musk's leadership, is committed to enhancing the user experience and improving the overall quality of its service.
Twitter is set to unveil a new feature that displays the month and year of an account’s first verification date. This comes after the platform’s owner, Elon Musk, introduced a Blue checkmark verification for Twitter Blue users for $8 per month. The move is part of efforts to enhance transparency and promote trust among users on the platform.
Verification badges have long been a hallmark of Twitter, and the company uses different colored checkmarks to differentiate between personal accounts, business accounts, and government-affiliated accounts. The gold checkmark is reserved for business accounts, while gray checkmarks are used for government-affiliated accounts on both personal and organizational levels.
Musk’s introduction of the #Blue checkmark has been seen as an attempt to monetize the verification process on Twitter. The move has attracted criticism from some quarters, but Musk has defended the decision, saying that it will help users stand out and be more easily recognized.
The new code changes were first spotted on Twitter, though they have not yet been rolled out to all users. Twitter is currently working to fix some bugs before the new feature is made available to everyone.
The move is part of Twitter’s broader efforts to improve the user experience on the platform. By providing more information about the verification process and making it easier for users to identify verified accounts, Twitter hopes to increase transparency and bolster trust between users.
Some experts have raised concerns about the potential for abuse of the verification system. However, Twitter has stated that it will continue to monitor the use of verification badges closely and will take action against any users who attempt to use them fraudulently.
Overall, the move to display verification dates is a positive development for users of the platform. It will help to promote transparency and trust, and will make it easier for users to identify verified accounts at a glance. With further improvements to the platform expected in the near future, it is clear that Twitter is committed to enhancing the user experience and improving the overall quality of its service.
Source: Early code changes spotted on twitter website using Yaroslav’s browser extension.
Twitter's announcement of displaying verification dates for accounts has raised concerns among critics of the social media platform's owner, Elon Musk. Musk, who acquired Twitter in late 2022, has been criticized for introducing a Blue checkmark verification for Twitter Blue users for $8 per month, a move that has been seen as an exploitative attempt to monetize the verification process.
Twitter has used different colored checkmarks to distinguish between personal, business, and government-affiliated accounts for many years. The introduction of the Blue checkmark has been criticized by skeptics who believe it is a cynical attempt to promote transparency and trust.
The decision to introduce the Blue checkmark has been dismissed by some experts as a maneuver aimed at enhancing Musk's personal clout on the platform and promoting his own interests. Critics argue that the move could lead to the creation of new hierarchies on the platform, where verified users are given priority over unverified ones.
The changes in code were first spotted on Twitter, but bugs have delayed the rollout of the feature to all users. It remains to be seen how the implementation of the new system will affect the user experience, but some critics are already skeptical about the potential for abuse of the verification system.
Despite Twitter's assurances that it will monitor the use of verification badges and penalize those who attempt to use them fraudulently, critics remain concerned about the potential for abuse. Skeptics argue that the Blue checkmark will deepen existing hierarchies on the platform and undermine its democratic potential.
In conclusion, while the move to display verification dates is a step in the right direction towards transparency, critics remain skeptical about Elon Musk's leadership of Twitter and the potential for the introduction of new hierarchies on the platform. It remains to be seen how the implementation of the new system will affect the user experience, but some are already expressing concern that it could work against the interests of ordinary users.
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